Retirement Income & Wealth Management

Retirement Income & Wealth Management

Preparing for Financial Independence

5-10 years out

You're here. No time for do-overs.

We'll help you assess your options and develop distribution strategies to minimize the risk of running out of resources or having to make major spending changes during your coming retirement years. 

We'll also help you plan to optimize your retirement income, including things like Social Security optimization strategies, evaluating pension benefit election options, selling or transitioning your business, etc.

Living in Retirement

Managing investment risk and matching distributions to income needs

Your Life Plan should drive your investment plan, not the other way around. 

We'll help you position your investments to minimize the risk of having to sell when the market's down by intentionally investing different portions of your portfolio according to when you plan to spend them, and maintaining sufficient reserves in cash / cash alternative investments and short-term treasuries.

We'll help you manage the impact of taxes and inflation by managing your portfolios in aggregate, and positioning more tax efficient investments in your taxable accounts, and less tax efficient investments in tax sheltered accounts (e.g. IRAs, Roth IRAs, etc.).

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